ISLC – SNF Agora Seminar

The Politics of War Powers

The two most important Article 1 powers in the national security space are appropriating and declaring war. But congress has not updated its war powers architecture since the early 2000s. In practice, therefore, the executive branch has organized its counterterrorism operations based on a legislative framework not passed for the current moment. This discussion will dig into the case study of the United States government’s continued reliance on the 2001 Authorization of the use of military force and congress’s inability to update the authority. In doing so, it will comment on the ramifications for national security of eroding Article 1 powers. The event will feature Rebecca Brocato, SNF Agora Visiting Fellow and former Special Assistant to Presidents Biden and Obama, and special guest Tess Bridgeman, editor of Just Security and former NSC Deputy Legal Advisor. Sponsored by SNF Agora and the International Studies Leadership Council.

Join us on JHU Homewood Campus, SNF Agora Conference Room, Wyman Park Building, 3rd Floor, N325F, or Zoom