Panel 3: Sparking an International Youth Activism Movement

Conference Registration

Around the world, we are seeing youth at the forefront pushing for more voice and say in their communities and countries, and demanding democratic change. Right now, we see this in Hong Kong, Belarus, Thailand, the United States, Bolivia, and so many more countries. As the climate movement has shown, it is possible for movements in different countries seeking justice in similar arenas to unite as a common front. Is this type of international movement possible in other areas of injustice, and the push for democracy? How can activists fighting for the same causes join forces in an international movement? What are potential goals of an international youth activism movement? How much can young people be participating in the system itself in a push for change, versus how much should they be agitating for change outside the system itself?


  • Mohamed Abubakr

    Human Rights Activist and Peacemaker Since high school, Abubakr has founded and led organizations and initiatives focused on humanitarian, human rights, youth empowerment, and peace programs across the Middle East and Africa. He has also documented, reported, and mobilized against human rights abuses across MEA, and is a sought after voice concerning policy and human rights issues.
  • Jude Feranmi

    Founder, Raising New Voices Initiative; Executive Director, ToBuildANation As former national youth caucus leader of KOWA PARTY, and at the Raising New Voices Initiative, Feranmi and his team have inspired and supported more than 40 young people to run for office both in Nigeria and Ghana.
  • Mutaal Girshab

    Director, Regional Centre for Training and Development of Civil Society RCDCS is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization in Sudan that aims to strengthen and empower civil society organizations and promote more productive state-civil society relations, thereby enhancing people’s participation in the policies and decision–making that affect their daily lives.
  • Jessica K. Taft

    Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz Taft’s research focuses on the political lives of children and youth in North and South America, with an emphasis on youth activism. She is the author of Rebel Girls: Youth Activism and Social Change Across the Americas and The Kids Are in Charge: Activism and Power in Peru's Movement of Working Children.