Bryce Corrigan (Ph.D., Political Science, Michigan, ’13) joined the SNF Agora Institute in July of 2020 as a Senior Statistician and Lecturer after serving most recently as Lecturer in Government at Cornell University. At SNF Agora, Corrigan will offer a new social statistical consulting portal to affiliates throughout Hopkins, having offered these services at Cornell. Further, with experience in teaching a variety of social statistics courses at Cornell, Professor Corrigan will offer Intermediate Data-analysis for Social Science and Public Policy (Terms 1 and 2) in the fall of 2020, as well as an undergraduate course “Democracy by the Numbers” in the spring of 2021. The graduate courses will immerse students across the Hopkins campuses in the appropriate application of multilevel, panel, and design-based techniques in R and Stata to complex data such as surveys and mixed local-, state- and country-level data. “Democracy by the Numbers” will immerse Hopkins undergrads in a variety of concepts and measures broadly related to the health (and malaise) of democratic institutions around the world.
Corrigan’s research mirrors his teaching in focusing on innovative methods for panel data analysis in complex datasets. His past work focused both on political campaigns and public policy. Forthcoming articles report a rolling cross-sectional analysis revealing heterogeneous features of campaign dynamics in the US (with Julia Partheymüller) as well as the effects of recent budget consolidation in NY counties (with David Kay). Corrigan is an avid statistical programmer in R, Stata, and Julia, and is working on concomitant R and Julia packages that yield non-parametric smoothing of marginal effects for structural causal models.
Hopkins affiliates can set up an appointment for social statistical consulting here.