Community Workshop – February 2024

“Promoting Inclusive Democracy Amidst Global and Local Challenges”
with Hamse Warfa, SNF Agora Visiting Fellow, and Special Representative Desiree Cormier Smith

When U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, created the first ever position of special representative for racial equity and justice at the U.S. State Department in 2022, he said, quote, “Inequity is a national security challenge with global consequences.  The systematic exclusion of individuals from marginalized and vulnerable groups from full participation in economic, social, and civic life impedes equity globally, while fueling corruption, economic migration, distrust, and authoritarianism.” Democracy depends on the premise that everyone has a say. In this workshop, we are pleased to have Special Representative Desiree Cormier Smith join us for a discussion on how fostering inclusive democracies can build more stable, prosperous and peaceful nations for all people.

Where: All community workshops will take place in the SNF Agora Conference Room, 3100 Wyman Park Drive, Suite N325, Homewood Campus or can be accessed on Zoom.

Zoom link:

This event is open only to the SNF Agora Community.