SNF Agora Programs

Faculty Grants Program

The purpose of the SNF Agora Faculty Grants program is to encourage and support work by faculty at Johns Hopkins, particularly faculty from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (KSAS), that is complementary to SNF Agora’s mission. This could take the form of scholarship, convenings, public engagement, policy briefings, and more. SNF Agora wants to support and amplify this work through its institute, and foster faculty collaboration across the university on ideas and efforts that could reinvigorate global democracy and the civic spaces that fuel it.

Read more here. 

Student Grants Program

The SNF Agora Institute awards grants to Johns Hopkins University students and student organizations whose work complements the institute’s mission of strengthening global democracy through civic engagement and inclusive dialogue.

Read more here.

Faculty Affiliates Program

The SNF Agora Faculty Affiliates program encourages partnership between SNF Agora faculty and scholars within the broader academic community domestically and internationally based in addition to colleagues at Johns Hopkins University. The affiliates program supports work at Johns Hopkins and at other universities that is complementary to SNF Agora’s mission. Through this program, interested faculty will be able to participate in the scholarly life of SNF Agora and, in turn, will benefit from collaborating with a wider community of colleagues who share a passion for reinvigorating global democracies and the civic spaces that fuel them.  

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Visiting Fellows Program

The SNF Agora Visiting Fellows program supports the institute’s mission of strengthening global democracy by enabling us to expand our reach and incorporate a broader range of people into our work. This program identifies and recruits a select cohort of fellows from diverse sectors, disciplines, backgrounds, and ideologies to join the institute to work with our permanent faculty, researchers, and students for a defined period—typically one semester or less—during the academic year. Visiting fellows contribute to an academic community that is open and permeable—based at Johns Hopkins but reaching well beyond its walls.

Read more here.

Graduate Student Fellows Program

The SNF Agora Institute has funding to support a modest number of competitive graduate student fellowships each year. These fellowships are designed to:

  • deepen the training and scholarship of PhD students at Johns Hopkins University,
  • broaden the scholarly community at the SNF Agora Institute by supporting students to join us for one year.

Read more here.

Postdoctoral Fellows Program

The postdoctoral program is a one-year program intended to support recent doctoral degree recipients whose scholarship engages with questions and topics directly related to the institute’s mission. The SNF Agora Academy seeks two fellows who would engage actively with and benefit from a multidisciplinary scholarly community that enables them to extend their research and public engagement in new directions, with the active mentorship of SNF Agora Institute faculty. 

Read more here.