“Philanthropy and the Testing of American Democracy”
with Daniel Stid, SNF Agora Visiting Fellow
How does the recently renewed debate about the relative merits of philanthropic pluralism (or the lack thereof) relate to big problems facing democracy in America: the polarization of our politics, the fracturing of our civic culture, and the erosion of our civic infrastructure?
In what ways could revitalizing a shared commitment to pluralism among philanthropists help improve the health of U.S. democracy? What would that look like in general, and in the democracy field in particular? What would philanthropists interested in practicing pluralism themselves, and supporting its realization in the U.S., need to keep doing, start doing, or stop doing in order to realize this aspiration?
Daniel Stid will explore these questions in a forthcoming SNF Agora Report, drawing on his experience serving as the inaugural director of the Hewlett Foundation’s U.S. Democracy Program from 2013-2022, and as an advisor to philanthropists working to strengthen democracy and pluralism in America. In this community workshop, he will share some of his preliminary answers, with Steve Teles, director of the Center for Economy and Society (CES) at the SNF Agora Institute.
Where: All community workshops will take place in the SNF Agora Conference Room, 3100 Wyman Park Drive, Suite N325, Homewood Campus or can be accessed on Zoom.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96449138960
This event is open only to the SNF Agora Community.