Nupook Suthisampat

2022-2023 Student Engagement Board

Nupook Suthisamphat is a sophomore double majoring in public health and psychology with a minor in entrepreneurship and management. She is interested in the intersection between psychology and civic engagement: how psychological knowledge can be applied to shape policies that efficiently address prominent societal concerns such as the rising racial discrimination and gap in socioeconomic status. She is also passionate about restoring democracy in Thailand, her home country, where fundamental freedom and human rights of Thai citizens have continually been undermined.

On campus, she is the co-executive director of Foreign Affairs Symposium which hosts an annual speaker series concerning political issues on a global scale. She is also an associate managing editor and associate director of outreach for Pre-Collegiate Global Health Review, an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles on global health written by secondary school students. She is also a research assistant at Bloomberg School of Public Health where she works on a project to enhance in-school bullying detection as well as to form a bullying prevention program. In addition, she is also a research assistant on a project about the ethical framework of liver transplant in patients with Alcoholic Hepatitis at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.