Research Assistants at SNF Agora

Are you interested in assisting SNF Agora faculty and fellows with research on questions of democracy? Fill out this form to add your info/CV to a pool of RA’s. When projects arise, interested faculty will contact you directly.

The SNF Agora Institute 

The SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University, founded in 2017, is a multi-disciplinary academic and public forum dedicated to strengthening global democracy by improving and expanding civic engagement and inclusive dialogue, and by supporting inquiry that leads to real-world change. By building integrated partnerships with scholars, practitioners, students, and the public, we use research to identify and sharpen strategic choices that members of the public and civic and political stakeholders around the world can make to realize the promise of democracy. 

For more information about the institute, please see our About Us page here. 


Overview of  Student Research Assistant Opportunities 

SNF Agora Institute faculty, fellows, and affiliates periodically seek the support of student research assistants for a variety of academic projects.

These opportunities are designed to: 

  • advance critical areas of inquiry related to SNF Agora’s mission; 
  • deepen the training and scholarship of students at Johns Hopkins University; and 
  • broaden the ways students can participate in the scholarly community at the SNF Agora Institute. 

Institute faculty and affiliates seek to provide funding to students for their time whenever possible; however, funding is not always available and varies from opportunity to opportunity. You may indicate below whether you are open to a volunteer research assistantship. 

Eligibility and Selection 

All enrolled students at Johns Hopkins University are eligible, but priority will be given to students who are part of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. Selection will be made on an as-needed basis; as particular areas of interest arise and SNF Agora Institute faculty, fellows, and affiliates seek support for research projects, an institute member will review the students within the pool and contact those individuals whom they feel would be a good fit. Students will be selected based on academic merit, interests, and skills consistent with the nature of the specific project and the mission of the SNF Agora Institute. 


If you would like to leave your information with the SNF Agora Institute for future consideration as a research assistant, please submit this form. If you have any questions, please email us at  [email protected].